
Note Taker


This is a website where you can store notes and write anything you want to save. All your notes are saved locally in the file ‘db.json’.

Table of Contents


To install run the command ‘npm i’ to attain the correct node modules.


To use this application, in your command line run the command ‘node server.js’ and a console log message will appear. Use ctrl+click to navigate to the sevrer and then write anything you want. To save your note, click the floppy disk icon. To create a new note click the plus sign. To delete a note click the trashcan icon.


note taker homepage notes showing writing and saving functionality notes showing note 2 deleted functionality

You must run the server in order to get full functionality but to see the deployed app –> CLICK ME


For any questions, feel free to contact me on GitHub or by email:


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright © 2022 jo3kr 🃏

github license